
Demo Payment

The following data can be used for test payments:

Please note: Email confirmations are only sent for SEPA/Direct Debit payments.

SEPA/Direct Debit

First Name: Jürgen
Last Name: Müller
Street: Hedwigstr. 3
Zip Code: 45892
City: Gelsenkirchen

Account Holder: Jürgen Müller
IBAN: DE95200100200596015202

 By entering your email address, you will receive a purchase confirmation after the payment.
Phone Number: Please enter your real phone number. To finish the payment, you will receive a PIN code at this number.


Card Holder: Müller
Card Number: 4200000000000000
Expiry Date: any future date
CVV/CVC: any three digits


  1. Select “Germany
  2. Enter Sort code or BIC “88888888“, click “next
  3. Enter Account number “123456”
  4. Enter PIN “123456“, click “next
  5. Choose a bank acount, click “next
  6. Enter the TAN that gets displayed on the screen, click “next